Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pink Corduroys

Before Madelyn was born, people would tell me how fun it is to pull out your firstborn's clothes and see your new baby wearing the same outfits.  They were so right!! I love seeing Madelyn in things I remember Baby Zoe wearing.  Here are both my girls in one of my favorite outfits.

Zoe, Taken January 2007

Madelyn, Taken November 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sense of Humor

Preschool Picture

Today Zoe recieved  her school pictures and her first school progress report.  It was fun explaining to her what is was and that she will be gettting these every year from now until she graduates from college.  Hopefully they will all be as good as this first one!  Speaking of progress, something I have noticed lately is Zoe's evolving sense of humor.  She has started to really enjoy a good joke (she spent hours reading a dino riddles book from the library, and retelling them to us over and over again!), and is beginning to understand sarcasm and plays on words.  The best is to hear her little 4 year old voice make her own jokes- she really has me laughing some days.  Here are two of my favorites that I've heard lately:

Scenario:  Picking Zoe up from school and she is showing me the turkey craft they made that day

Me: Did you have a fun morning at school?
Zoe: It was turkey-rific! 

Scenario: Zoe is at the kitchen table enjoying a bowl of Life cereal for breakfast

Me:  How is your cereal?
Zoe:  I really LIFE it! 

As always, little girl, you amaze me.  Thanks for making me laugh!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Our first big holiday on the west coast, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't different out here then back east.  The weather, of course, is a bit of a change, but luckily Thursday was a chilly day (for California) which helped it feel a little more like late November.  The biggest difference was the fact that we couldn't load everyone up in the car and drive 6 hours to be with family.  (I remember when that 6 hours seemed like such a long drive!) While the Navy has kept us away from our families this year, it has also brought us some wonderful life long friends with whom we can share the special day.  The Shepards joined us for turkey day this year, and we had a blast.  With four kids ages 4 and under, it was a bit chaotic at times, but we are so thankful that we were able to create those memories together. 

Madelyn and Logan

Zoe was thrilled to play dinosaurs with her new buddy, Jack!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Alaska.  This is where Darryl has been all week and the primary reason I have neglected my blog for the past few days. 

Fun facts about Alaska:

   * High temperature in November is roughly 13 degrees.
   * The sun does not rise until 10am and sets again by 4pm- talk about depressing!

The girls and I are very excited that we get to pick Daddy up at the airport tomorrow.  One thing I have learned from this week on my own is how much easier it has gotten!! The first time Darryl left Madelyn was 3 months old and it was really tough.  The second time she was 4 months old and it was slightly easier (having Grandma around helped a lot too!)  Now that Madelyn is 6 months old, I was amazed at how well this week went.  Do we miss having Daddy around?  Absolutely!! Were there evenings when I was trying to cook dinner, give Zoe a bath, and feed Madelyn at the same time and I thought I was going to lose my mind?  Definitely!  But.... overall we had a great week with just us girls.  And we are extra excited to spend the weekend with all of us together again. :) 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

6 Month Update

Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought this cute little face home from the hospital?

Fun Facts about Madelyn at 6 Months Old:
* Has Two Teeth
* Getting a lot more hair
* Still has amazing blue eyes
* Is going to be tall like her Daddy (27", 90%tile)
* Is chubby like her sister was (17 lb. 14 oz.)
* Puts everything in her mouth
* Drools all the time
* Tries to reach and grab for everything, but especially Mommy's hair :)
* Likes to play on her tummy and "airplanes"
* Scootches backward all around the room
* Rolls from back to tummy
* Isn't excited about rice or oatmeal cereal, carrots, or peaches, but seems to love peas
* Drinks 4-6 oz. every 3 hours
* Goes to bed at 7:30pm and sleeps until 6am with one nighttime bottle
* Takes 3-4 short naps a day
* Loves to play peek-a-boo and listen to stories
* Thinks her big sister is the funniest thing ever
* Has a smile that melts our hearts

We love you Maddie!

Madelyn is looking surprised that she has found herself halfway across the room!

Zoe at 6 Months

Madelyn at 6 Months

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Mommy

6am- Wake up feeling like a zombie after being up most of the night with a stuffy-nosed baby.

Get kids ready and off to preschool while fantasizing about your next chance to sleep.

While waiting at preschool drop-off, get puked on not once but twice by baby, the kind that starts on your shoulder then runs down your arm and onto your pant leg.

Go to Target smelling of baby throw-up because you are almost out of diapers.

Rush home, feed and bathe baby, leaving no time for your own shower. Quickly change out of smelly clothes and go to pick up preschooler. Squeeze in some grocery shopping on the way home.

Get home and realize your shirt has been on inside out the entire time.

Make it through the afternoon, evening, and bedtime. After kids are asleep, whip out your home waxing kit because there is certainly no time to get your eyebrows done by a professional. Spill hot wax all over bathroom sink.

Decide it's time to go to bed.

Do it all over again the next day because you have the greatest two little girls any mommy could ask for!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


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Every year Halloween gets more and more fun as Zoe gets older and more excited about decorating, carving, and trick-or-treating. The highlight for me this year was having two adorable girls who could wear matching costumes. Zoe loved going from house to house getting candy and after an hour we had more than enough and returned to our house to hand out some of our own candy. Madelyn, who had not napped all day, slept through the majority of the evening. Luckily, I was able to get a few good pix of my dinosaurs. And in case you are wondering what is on our pumpkin, they are the snails that live in our flower beds. :)