6am- Wake up feeling like a zombie after being up most of the night with a stuffy-nosed baby.
Get kids ready and off to preschool while fantasizing about your next chance to sleep.
While waiting at preschool drop-off, get puked on not once but twice by baby, the kind that starts on your shoulder then runs down your arm and onto your pant leg.
Go to Target smelling of baby throw-up because you are almost out of diapers.
Rush home, feed and bathe baby, leaving no time for your own shower. Quickly change out of smelly clothes and go to pick up preschooler. Squeeze in some grocery shopping on the way home.
Get home and realize your shirt has been on inside out the entire time.
Make it through the afternoon, evening, and bedtime. After kids are asleep, whip out your home waxing kit because there is certainly no time to get your eyebrows done by a professional. Spill hot wax all over bathroom sink.
Decide it's time to go to bed.
Do it all over again the next day because you have the greatest two little girls any mommy could ask for!
Best job in the world! So fortunate to be in this line of work :) Hope you can get a shower and your brows done! I've been trying to paint my toenails for two wks! :)