Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One Year Old!!!

This post marks the end of what has been the fastest year of my life.  My baby girl has just turned one and she is growing at lightning speed.  This first birthday is a huge milestone- so much to look back on, and so much to look forward to.  Since our family is officially complete, it's hard to realize I will never again have a snuggly newborn and I miss that already.  But instead I have this amazing little toddler who brings joy to my life each and every minute.  Madelyn, we love watching you learn, grow, explore, and laugh.  Happy First Birthday, sweet girl!!

Cruising in her new buggy

What Maddie's doing now:

* 21 lb. (50th percentile)
* 29.5" (75th percentile)
* size 4 diapers
* size 12-18 month clothes
* takes a pacifier in the crib only for naps and bedtime
* two naps a day
* stands independently
* takes up to 4 wobbly steps on her own
* added the word "book" to her vocabulary
* can point to these body parts when asked- head, mouth, teeth (clicks them together), tongue
* loves to pull up your shirt, find your belly button, and tickle your tummy
* uses sign language-more, eat, all done, &  milk
* drinks whole milk from a sippy cup (good-bye bottles and formula!)
* likes to push buttons that produce a sound
* has discovered the tupperware cabinets
* can roll a ball back and forth

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