Tuesday, November 29, 2011

18 Months

Dear Madelyn,

You are now one and a half years old, much more a toddler than a baby, but of course we both know you will always be my baby.  I have loved every minute of you since the day you were born, but this is definitely one of my favorite ages.  You are so much fun to be around!  You are silly and funny and brave and independent and lovable and sweet and smart.  You keep us on our toes with your crazy toddler behaviors like freaking out when I try to put your shirt on or strap you in the stroller.  The moments you test my patience are worth it for the sweetness of your hugs and kisses, the sound of you calling my name, and the feel of your tiny fingers on mine.  I want to remember everything about you right now. 

You love to read books, just like your big sister.  You especially love flap books right now.  You are learning your numbers, letters, colors, and shapes.  So far you can consistently name a circle, oval, star, heart, and  diamond, and you can identify the colors purple, white, and black.  You know the numbers 0, 1, 8, and sometimes get the others right.  You know the letter M for Madelyn. 

Some of your favorite things are Elmo, flowers, bugs, and monkeys.  You love the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, and If You're Happy and You Know It, and you can do some of the motions and sing some of the words along with me.  You like to "feed" your toy animals and give a bottle to a baby doll.  Thankfully you are starting to clean up your toys a little, you say "way" to put things away.  You can tell me when you pooped in your diaper, but don't always let me change it without complaints.  You are getting very good at using a fork and spoon, but still enjoy using your fingers to grab your food. 

You have so much to say, little girl!  I can't even begin to list all the words you are saying.  There isn't much you don't repeat and you are talking mostly in two and sometimes three word phrases.  You are even starting to use manners like please and thank you!  Some of your words are crystal clear and some only Mommy or Daddy can understand.  Some of my favorites are: yanky (blanket), Doe (Zoe), wagee (wagon), cozy, ocpus (octopus), and of course, Mommy.  Your 'l's sound like 'y's which is especially cute.

There are so many more things about you that I know I will forget over time.  But I know I will always remember the joy of getting to spend every day with you and how lucky we all are to have you. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Steph,,,I love that you take the time to do these. Your thoughts of your little girls are so precious.
