Step One: Bait your hook with a juicy, wiggly worm.
Step Two: Wait Patiently...
...with a smile on your face.
Step Three: Catch a fish!
Today we had an early birthday celebration for Zoe. Since Darryl will be gone during her actual birthday in July, we decided that today would be "Zoe's Day". She got to choose what she wanted to do, and she picked fishing! We were a little surprised but up for the adventure. The first hour we didn't get one bite, and we were all getting impatient. Then all of a sudden we started catching trout like crazy, and we ended up with 5 trout when we decided to call it quits. Zoe was beyond excited when any of us caught one, she was giggling so hard when those poor guys were flapping all around. And this girl is not the least bit squeamish- she ripped the worms in half, put them on the hook, and had no problem watching the hook get removed from the bloody fish. That's my girl! Last night Darryl grilled the fish and we enjoyed them on the patio with some corn on the cob and watermelon. Definitely a great experience for all of us!
So much fun!! Something you all will remember forever too!