Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beach Day

We spent MLK Day at the beach.  Last year we spent MLK Day shoveling snow in RI-what a difference a  year (and 3000 miles) makes.  It is still weird to have almost 80 degree weather in January, but I must say I love it!  It was incredible to see the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other- and to be surrounded by my beautiful family. 

Zoe and Darryl taking a dip in the very cold Pacific Ocean!

The Martin Girls soaking up the sunshine.

Look carefully at their expressions- Zoe smiling and Maddie studying something...

And now Madelyn smiling  (and Zoe looking a bit annoyed!) because she got a hold of Zoe's hair.

She loved the feel of the sand on her hands and toes... and in her eyes and mouth. :)


  1. Looks like a great time! I love seeing all of your photos and reading about your adventures. I've been completely out of the "blog" loop for a while, fun catching up. See you soon in person! :)

  2. Oh my I love the scene clips. Zoe's face tells it all:)))hahahah
    Thanks so much for sharing Steph!
