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She had a little help getting to this position, but she sure is excited about it! |
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Loving her toes |
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Side view to show very adorable chubby cheeks |
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Happy girl! |
Things I want to remember about this month:
* is MOBILE! She is a pro at the Army crawl and can pull herself across the floor super fast to get to something she wants
* cut her third tooth (top right) but it's barely visible
* sits steadily, and can almost get herself from her tummy to a sitting position
* is very vocal- the gurgling sound is her newest fun noise
* has perfected the pincer grasp
* finally started eating baby foods- suddenly she can't get enough!
* loves Cheerios, puffs, small pieces of bananas, pears, and zucchini, and so far all the baby foods
* takes a bath like a big girl in the tub
* is showing the first signs of seperation anxiety
* is outgrowing most of her 9 month clothing
* has a lot of hair
* is easy-going
* opens and closes her fists like she's waving
* says MaMaMa and DaDaDa
* survives on very few naps
* likes to start her day early (as in before 6am)
Things that have suddenly become very challenging:
* getting a shower when Maddie is awake
* leaving the room where she is playing
* going out to a restaurant for a meal
* trying to read or eat something while holding Madelyn
* changing a diaper
* pulling clothes over her head and arms
How sweet is she!?! Love the videos and love those cheeks!!!