Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome Home Darryl!

Darryl has spent the last 2 months on the carrier in the first of many workup periods.  Since he started his tour here, we have been blessed with lots of family time and very few trips away from home.  So although we knew this was coming, it was still incredibly hard to say goodbye.  The good news is that the email connection was always up and running and we even got a few phone calls here and there, but we still felt his abscence every day and missed him terribly.  Today was the fly-in, a day we have been counting down to for quite some time.  The girls and I spent the morning cleaning the house, getting dinner ready, and getting all dressed up to go meet the planes.  Since Darryl left his car on base, I figured he wouldn't expect to see us there.  Of course, we couldn't possibly miss it and it was fun to surprise him! 

Waiting in the very loud hangar with earplugs.

Three very excited girls!

Watching the planes fly by.

Here they come!

Seemed like an eternity waiting for them to land...

They've been waiting a long time to give him that hug!


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